Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Advice for the Young/34: The Bias Blind Spot makes precisely the most educated and thoughtful people perceive biases in others, but not in themselves

Pronin, E., & Hazel, L. (2023). Humans’ Bias Blind Spot and Its Societal Significance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 0(0).

Abstract: Human beings have a bias blind spot. We see bias all around us but sometimes not in ourselves. This asymmetry hinders self-knowledge and fuels interpersonal misunderstanding and conflict. It is rooted in cognitive mechanics differentiating self- and social perception as well as in self-esteem motives. It generalizes across social, cognitive, and behavioral biases; begins in childhood; and appears across cultures. People show a bias blind spot in high-stakes contexts, including investing, medicine, human resources, and law. Strategies for addressing the problem are described.

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